Easy to assemble outdoor table assembled. Easy in principle but well nigh impossible to assemble orbital lawn chair assembled.

My work is never done.

Not applicable because the former clearly wins,


He's trying to create another Apple? Enterprising man, that phoneboy.


Just thinking. Al of the times I have cut my finger on computer cases over the years means my DNA has likely been spread around the world. If it comes together, like a slime mold does, will it be another me with super powers?

It's my first resort for stuff like that now. Beats going from parts store to parts store or calling them and getting, "Yeah, we have those", only to find they don't.

Preparing paint gun, primer, paint and fiberglass.

Tomorrow or Friday, I back the TomMobile in the warehouse, paint the metal strip over the rear hatch and repair the front fender underskirt.

Will I ever build a run of systems without cutting my finger on a case?

Remembering building a 12 MHz 286 and marveling over the speed and the massive 80MB full height hard drive that I would "surely never fill"

Building systems now that, at 3.0GHz and 1TB of storage that are barely modest by today's standards.

Feeling the effects of time.

This and pnut are my gardens. Facebook is the unruly back end of the property that gets brush hogged twice a year.

Twitter was paved over entirely.

I hear the pitter patter of little feet and muffle yelps outside my door.

Miniature eskimo needs to go potty and no-one else is available.

Great excuse to go outside for a minute, Lucky (the dog). Let's go.

I think he senses I have a new tire that needs marked.